Blog Posts

Blog December 2021

December 2021, UK. 

Well, what a year that was with a some very unexpected twists and turns – some stupidly tough and some entirely amazing but ALL of them of my own creation! 

Despite what would usually be considered rather undesirable circumstances, I actually welcome all challenges, including the terrifying ones, knowing that they all happen FOR me, not TO me. Creating my very own reality and being able to proudly say ‘I did that’ when things go well, but more importantly saying it too when things look more like a massive f*ck up, is the most powerful thing in the world and well beyond.

I have done some amazing work with clients, taking them on their own ‘cosmic joy rides’ to expand their reality and understanding of who they truly are. Getting connected to the deepest truth of being and realising that ‘human-ing and effort-ing’ keeps us from accessing our true genius. 

The human conditioning that we are all subjected to creates an illusion of reality, when reality sits deep underneath our stories, the stories we THINK are our truth. This stuff is literally mind blowing as the human mind cannot understand it. There is no logic, there just IS. Is-ness and being-ness are the catalyst to accessing the true deep self and, with that, the power of expansive cosmic collisions.

On my journey this year, I have had the privilege to experience some of these collisions and they gave me the most extensive expansions I could have ever imagined. As if a new world (literally!) opened up. A world where time is just NOW and life happens just HERE. Experiencing tiny flashes of time in which I lived my whole life in just that one single moment.

The magic of getting to the deep self and learning to navigate my own creation is so cool and finding my playfulness in it all has been a huge catalyst for the discovery of my own excitement, my deepest pleasure and greatest joy, without the need for external conditions to be a certain way. 

Dropping the conditioning, stepping back from the stories and judgements of myself and others, allowed fear to be dissolved and my deepest self to come out to play hard and experience the surprises and delights of life in the moment.

Saying yes instead of no, daring to go where conditioning had put up its safety barriers. Saying ‘f*ck that’ to limitations of the mind. This feels like living life fearlessly on fire! 

I thank all of those who are part of my reality for the part you play in my creation, and I am very proud of myself for creating you into my reality!

With love,


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