I provide a range of services, please email me if you have any specific needs and we will set up a call to discuss.
Conscious Living Coaching & Meditation
4 Week Introduction to Meditation Course
This online Introduction to Meditation Course is suitable for all levels, including those who have tried and think they just can’t meditate.
"I am seeing and hearing clearer and I am able to choose a different perspective. I am more aware of things"
"Finding the whole course helpful, especially when it comes to tuning out noise"
"I am doing much more heart centre focusing during my day which iso far is really helping as it is where I tend to hold tension"
This is now an online course that you can complete at a time that is convenient for you.
The cost for the entire 4 week course is just £30. Email me on and I will send you the link.
Conscious Living & Meditation Workshop
Learn how to turn everyday tasks into a meaningful practice. How moving the body consciously and managing the mind consciously will lead to being present in life and live in your most powerful state.
In this workshop you will learn practical tools to be able to meditate, even if meditation isn’t ‘your thing’.no more overwhelm & burn-out.
Email me if you want to be notified of the next available date:
No More Diets! Workshop
No More Diets!
Learn the art of conscious eating and reframing unhelpful habits. Learn practical ways to eat healthier for life.
Suitable for overcoming most forms of binge eating, over eating and other addictive eating patterns. Although this is a standalone workshop, the integration of the learnings from this workshop could be supported by joining weekly online group meetings (and 1:1 therapy, if necessary).
Learn healthy habits for life, no more dieting by finding & reframing false beliefs and a practical integration of tools into a normal lifestyle. The aim is to feel like a 'normal' person and learn to hear the messages your body is giving you as you develop a refreshing new look on eating/drinking without shame or self-judgement.
"I was a little apprehensive not knowing what to expect! But I really enjoyed it. You helped me to help myself! No mumbo jumbo. I liked the suggestions and strategies on how to be present."
"I'm feeling sooo much better. Crap food really does not suit me. I need to remember this"
"I had a lightbulb moment when realising that when I eat unhealthy, I feel unhealthy"
"Merry Christmas, wishing you health and happiness. You truly have helped me change my life"
"Wendel you have changed my life at the age of 62 I did not think this was possible. I have struggled with my weight for 40 years attending numerous diet groups. Since meeting you I have learnt to look at food differently, exploring why food has been such an issue. I am proof it's never too late, my family and friends say I'm a different person but not only in the way I look. I have regained my self worth. I am happy"
Email me if you want to be notified of the next available date for this workshop:
Taming Your Mind Workshop
Tame Your Busy Mind Workshop
Learn to consciously manage your mind, feel much calmer and peaceful through understanding how the mind works and how you can become more aware of how you choose your state of being in everyday life.
"I never believed in 'magic' before but you made me believe in it, convincingly. You taught me something that was mind-blowing which I never knew existed and I can't wait to learn more."
"Hi Wendel, thank you very much for such an informative and welcoming day yesterday. You certainly opened my eyes!"
Email me for the next workshop date:
I also offer private 1:1 sessions and a free initial call to discuss how I can support you.
Just email me and we will get you booked in:
“I actually really like who I am now, I love spending time by myself, having a calm mind, accepting my past and know certain situations weren't my fault and to forgive myself for those situations. You’ve helped me to face my demons head-on and kind of make friends with them. You are my life saviour, you saved me from me."
Kellie, UK
“Wendel allowed me to open up without feeling judged or embarrassed. What I really required was a trusted advisor to confide in. I would recommend Wendel to anyone who wants to set themselves up for success.”
Paul R,
Teacher, UK
<Sheena's Stop Drinking Video here>
Interested in working with me? Just email me to book a call.
I want to know your needs exactly so that I can provide the perfect solution. Let me know what you want to achieve and I'll let you know if I can help.
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