4 Week Introduction to Meditation Course

This online Introduction to Meditation Course is suitable for all levels, including those who have tried and think they just can’t meditate.

"I am seeing and hearing clearer and I am able to choose a different perspective. I am more aware of things"

"Finding the whole course helpful, especially when it comes to tuning out noise"

"I am doing much more heart centre focusing during my day which iso far is really helping as it is where I tend to hold tension"

Live Zoom Meetings at 09:30 - 10:30 on Wednesdays, with practice time in between via email and WhatsApp.

Live Zoom Meeting Dates:

9th October

16th October

23rd October

30th October

These meetings are recorded, so if you can't attend, you can catch up later.

The cost for the entire course is £60, but if you book in September, it's just £48 at the Early Bird rate. Just click the link below and I will see you in October!


Expert in Conscious Living:

Conscious Eating

Conscious Movement

Conscious Meditation & Mindfulness

Do you feel that where you are now in life just can't be all that there is?  Surely life is not supposed to be this hard, stressful, unhappy or unhealthy. You may have tried many things to  feel better but nothing seems to last.

The good news is that you have probably been looking in all the wrong places. Life CAN feel good, happy, joyful and healthy WITHOUT suffering. Once you realise just who you really are, the rest can start finally to fall into place for you too. You already know that no amount of numbing, food, drink, drugs, shopping, over-working, over-thinking can fill that unhealthy, anxious or painful hole of unhappiness and unfulfilled potential you feel.

Whether you want to work with me in a workshop, in online support meetings, privately or spend a few intensive days on a retreat, you can be assured that I already see you fully as you are.

I don't apply any magic formulas, fancy initiations or quantum activations. We will simply take you from where you are now to where you want to be. No mumbo jumbo. Just truth. You will feel self empowered. You will have all the tools you need to get to your own natural peaceful state.

Many years of study, research and practice have given me a wide range of tools which I use to show you your personal solution. No two people are the same, so my solutions are intuitively tailored to your specific needs and wants.

Click the button if you would like to find out more about working with me and let's get you living your best life!

Dr Wendel Noordzij, PhD

What my clients say...


“I came to Wendel in a time of crisis. I was burning out in my work. Despite my deep love and joy for what I knew was my calling, here I was feeling like I had nothing to give, like nothing I did was good enough and dare I say, I felt resentful!

On the recommendation of a colleague, I reached out to Wendel and booked in a session and I am SO glad I did. In a matter of minutes I was aware of my part in the issue but also how I was giving my power away by working too hard in order to facilitate other's healing.

C D D, Psychotherapist, Germany

Testimonial Video

Karley Lewis,


What my clients say...

Testimonial Video

Dr Sarah Renee Langley

Award Winning Speaker and Psychotherapist, USA

<Jess' Video here>

Testimonial Video

Jess Nalu,

Founder OMVAM (TM), USA

Testimonial Video

Siam Lee,

Relationship Expert, Bali

Testimonial Video

Helen Buchanan,

Dental Anxiety Expert, Australia

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